
'Join us and become a full member from just €30 a year!'
Our society is purely non profit making, and at present only charge €30 a year subscription for full membership.
By joining us, you are helping to keep the society going, and cover its running costs.
The annual subscription charge of €30 goes towards the room hire / professional zoom costs for our meetings, the cost of maintaining and running our web site, and other general costs.
We regularly go on trips, hold events, and send out newsletter emails. Becoming a member lets you keep in touch with whats going on. Even if you are living outside Ireland, we would still like to have you on board as a member.
You can now PAY online through PAYPAL, but can still pay by traditional method.
You don't have to have a PAYPAL account, you can just use a standard credit card. PAYPAL is the world leader in credit card payments and is used by the likes of Amazon and Ebay, so it is a highly trusted and safe method of payment.
You can also become a member at any of our meetings, outings or events, or by the postal method, and can cancel anytime.
If you have ANY problem at all using the Paypal, we have a volunteer willing to help over the phone, our web designer, Brian Prendergast in AshbournePC.com at 0870516208
Please Join us by choosing a method below:
Online (preferred method)
Annual Subscription of €30 for 12 months. Renews automatically & cancel anytime.
By Post
Annual payment of €30 for 12 months.
Please make a cheque, postal order, or bank transfer for €30 made payable to Irish Society of Diviners
Enclose your Name, Address, Phone Number and Email and Post to:
Society Treasurer
Catherine Moore
7 Moyclare Close
Dublin 13
D13 C7F4